Meow! - Chapter 1

A Stray Kitten
I woke with a yawn, rubbing my eyes. It was a wonderful Friday morning when I got up. I got out of my bed and walked towards the mirror to see a 10-year-old girl with a pile of messed up hair, wearing white and blue striped pajamas staring back at me. Well, that's me alright. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I then ran down to the kitchen for breakfast. "Lily, can you get me an egg out of the fridge?", asked my mom while she fried the bacon. So I grabbed an egg and gave it to my mom. After a while, breakfast was ready. I sat down and had a hearty meal consisting of fried bacon and eggs. Then I told my mom that I was going to Cathy's house(my friend ) and mom agreed as long as I long I came back for lunch. So I got dressed and started walking to my friend's house. I felt thirsty on the way and had to take a break on a nearby bench as my friend's house was on the other end of the street. I saw a shop nearby and ran towards it for a drink. Luckily I had a few dollars in my pocket. So I bought a bottle of water, drank some and continued walking. As I was walking, I felt a tingling sensation on the back of my neck, like as though someone or rather something was following me. So I turned back to see a kitten with black and white fur following me. It stopped as soon as I turned back and stared at me. I knew that it was afraid of me and so I said gently, "Come on little kitten, don't be afraid, come to me." It gave a tiny "meow" as it slowly moved towards my hands. I picked it up and held it in my hands as it stared at my water bottle. I guessed that it was hungry and thirsty. But it was a moment later when I realized that it was hurt. I could see there was a nasty gash on one of its paws. So I quickly ran back to my house, canceling the thought of going to my friend's house. As soon as I reached, I burst through the front door and ran to the kitchen. "You're back already? And what's that in your hands?" asked my mom. I told her my story and she said that I could keep the kitten but she wouldn't buy the things the cat needed and  I should buy it with my pocket money. And mom also said that she wouldn't keep it in her room and I should keep it in my room. So I agreed. I took it to my room and let it down on the doormat. I went to my piggy bank to count my savings. I had exactly $ 51.25. I had saved for a long time to buy a skateboard which cost about $ 60 I guess I had planned to buy a lot more things. So now I had to spend it on this little kitten. Firstly, I had to help it with its paw and secondly, I needed to buy its eatables and a leash. I knew I had to take it to the Vet for its paw was badly hurt and was slowly starting to bleed. So I went to my cupboard and grabbed an old piece of cloth and gently wrapped it around its paw for the time being. Then I grabbed my mini bag(with only 2 zips) and put my money into the smaller zip and a water bottle and 2-3 napkins. I put the bag on my shoulders and picked up the cat in my arms. I went towards the front door, opened it and started walking to "Crowded Street". The street was just like its name. It was so crowded that it takes 5 minutes to travel 6 feet! I knew I had to be very careful as they were a lot of pushing and shoving and it was so noisy. I got pushed here and there. I even fell back on a bench because of the crowd. I reached the vet, at last, sweating. I opened the door of the hospital and was hit with a blast of cold air. Ah..what a relief! I went to the reception and took my token (1562)then took an appointment with Dr.Hepister.At last, I heard a voice from a speaker, "Token No: 1562, please proceed to room no;17." I walked to the room, opened the door to see a young man, who was not fat, but fairly large and had a slim beard with spectacles. Well, I guessed he is Dr.Hepister. He looked at me and said, "Come in, come in." I shut the door behind me and walked inside.


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