Your Inner Powers (A simple story to make you understand that anyone can do wonders)PART 1

                                   CHAPTER 1
                                       Life as a Middle-Schooler
"Mom! Where's my breakfast?" screamed a young middle schooler. "Coming darling" replied Mom. Mia was like the other girls with blonde, silky hair but the only component missing in her was courage. She was a rather shy girl. And life as a middle schooler wasn't fun at all. She had to be early to class; do a lot of essays; make sure she was neat and tidy and so on. And if she didn't follow the things instructed to her properly she would have to face Mr. Ryan, the school principal. "Here's your breakfast," said mom as she brought a plate of baked potatoes and a smoothie. After eating her meal she quickly ran to her room, dressed up (though her hair was a bit messy), grabbed her bag, and was off to school. She always thought that the bus rides to school were exciting. Joanne and Lia, her best friends would never let Mia bring out a frown. However, for some reason, Joanne was absent today. Even though Mia felt sad, she still had Lia for company. Mia could always feel the breeze through the tiny gaps of the windows as they rode all the way to school. Well, today’s ride was rather bumpy as the bus had to take another route due to some disasters that happened to the bus in the last ride. “Wow, Lia look at your hair! It's so messed up!” laughed Mia. “First look at yours, then comment on mine”, Lia laughed back


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