✨A Fathomless Mind: Inspiring Quotes by Me✨

 Quotes by me and their meanings:

1) " It doesn't matter in what others do, it matters in what you do."

Meaning: If you have a desired passion that you want to peruse but feel like your friend has gotten a better ambition than yours , it doesn't mean you have to change yours to get into that standard of your friend's. Stick with what you do and decide. And get creative in your own way.

2) "Even the ordinary can be extraordinary, just like how the T.V can show you the rest of the world."

Meaning: If you see a friend that may be facing some sort of problem, lets say in pronouncing ,that doesn't mean you have the right to go and judge that person. She/he may be better than you at lot of other things.

3) "There's always a light in the dark."

Meaning: This quote doesn't literally mean what it says. But it has a deeper meaning to it. Even when you are very sad that you lost something , you will still have plenty more opportunities to show yourself even if you failed the first time. It is like this quote- "Failure is the path to success."

4) "Defeat your weakness, but don't let your weakness defeat you."

Meaning: If you are weak at something, then word hard to get successful in that. But don't let that one weakness expand and make you weaker at all the other things you are great at. In other words, don't let your weakness define who you are.

5) "Remember, people can always give you hand, but people can't be your hands." 

Meaning: This quote means that if you need help, people can help you but just because they help you readily and instantly when you ask it does not mean that you should be entirely dependent on them for your work. Take help, but only when its necessary. 

6) "Easy to Impress. Hard to Impact."

Meaning : This quote means that having a number of skills and talents to impress someone doesn't really matter unless you can use those same skills to impact someone's life.


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