
Showing posts from June, 2021

A Very Simple Dare

 A Very Simple Dare Now I'm gonna give you a dare, and you will have to do it then and there. No excuses mind you that, Otherwise I might just hit you with a bat. The dares very simple. I want you to keep your device away for a little. And oh boy ,  if you manage to do this, you're gonna be in more than just a bliss! Your eyes will get time to sleep, and your brain wouldn't have to weep, Now that all the stress' perfectly gone, Your body can relax without any bane. I would suggest you to do this often. I am telling this to you as a caution. So if you follow my advice, You will not have to pay the price. Now I don't want to make this a never-ending lecture, Otherwise you might just fall down and get a fracture. So I'm gonna end it over here, and lets stay safe together this year!

Flames in the Forest (Comic strip) ~ Ruskin Bond

 Flames in the Forest ~ Ruskin Bond                                                                               - An extract from “Romi and the Wildfire”