
A Better TomorrowšŸ¤

How much longer should they hold? All that pain and sorrow untold How much hopeful can they be? When what lies ahead is nothing to see  If she could lift their pain away And fill their days with joy to stay If only she could see them smile once more A smile untouched by sorrow's shore   God if you can hear me, Please consider my prayer I may not know what lies ahead But I’m only speaking in despair   Everyone’s life in this world Will at some point be fully twirled And yes that’s okay, that’s how we learn But sometimes the flames of chaos still burn   You see, I don’t mind if the sufferings last For me i will bear the challenges you cast I will stand up, fight and withstand till its past, Till my last, strong and steadfast But for the ones I deeply cherish Please give them their time to flourish Please take their pains away I need to see them free and okay They're the kindest I know And the least to betray They're the last to below At the loneliest astray Please, I wish to

A Kinder NightšŸ¤

  A Kinder Night She looks up at the night above And wonders how it may seem To gleam a pretty diamond Among the quiet seas   Beneath her unhappy smile she hides A thousand endless selfless cries For she longs to see her world find joy A question of hope glimmer her eyes   An endless wave of problems she face And none to open to or cry in vain But even then she holds it up A smile that carries hidden pain   Awake in hush, while others dream She lets it out quiet to breathe And all the while the moon just smiles As she prays for one kinder night ~Yours truly

Memories Agone ~ Yours truly

  Y ears have passed whilst I cry,  With every tear, a memory arise,  For in those halls, our voices lie,  A thousand smiles and endless ties Though time may march endless strides,  Our golden days, our darkest times  In our hearts they shall shine,  Till our last, forever mine.

A Rumored House ~ Yours truly

  A Rumored House ~Saavanna Satheesan ‘Beneath the red moon, the house stood tall, In solitude, in ruins, weathered and worn. As noontide faded, dusk began to fall, And from its depths, a spirit was born.’   I wanted to visit the rumored place So that’s what I planned for that day I packed my bag and was on my way And walked into the woods, a big black space   I reached the house, my head in daze Not a soul alive, not a cry in pain So I entered the house all so brave But never did I know that was bane   Just when I thought, ‘This house was okay Something moved down the hallway And when I tried to run away A vase tipped over, right my way   A shiver cascaded down my spine A chilling touch, a spirit’s sign A whisper blew into my ear ‘Come to me, I am near’   I turned around, fearing death But then I felt a soft spoken breath There stood she, draped in white Hair down, head upright     She came towards me and held me tight

They tell me - A Glimpse into the Glorious Life of an Average Indian Teen

  They tell me, “Beta look at your cousin, She studied medicine whilst going to law school, She studied a hundred chapters plus more a dozen, While you sit here, making yourself a fool.”   They tell me, “Beta look at your sister, She can cook a perfect crispy dosa, She can even make vadas a twister, While you sit here, drinking soda.” And they still tell me, “Arey beta, Don’t choose this stream Otherwise our family will say tata, And leave you with your broken dream. And they still tell me,” Arey beta, Spread the batter evenly! Don’t flip it too quickly! Don’t eat it so greedily! Arey, mummy, papa Give me some peace! And cousin, leave me a dosa or a piece, And after you eat, you shall leave, For well riddance, I will finally get some good sleep! “Psst, Beta, Have you seen your Aunty’s skin so beautiful and clean! ARREY MUMMY, BETTER TO SLEEP IN THE BIN AT LEAST THEN, I COULD SLEEP UNSEEN

Haunted Dreams

  When I was a little kid, I sailed the seven seas, In caves on Islands, I hid, With nothing to eat but cheese.   Ahoy Captain, land ahead! But which one, may I guess? I’m pretty sure it’s the one we dread, Is it the Island of the Dolls? Of course, YES!   Located on the South of Mexico, An island filled with creepy dolls, In every inch, and into the meadow, They haunt you even in your calls.   “Honey, they asked you to write a decent poem, Not to recite off your silly dreams! That’s something sweet, in a nice little tone, For teeny kids, not raging teens!” “But Mom, I thought it’d be pretty cool, With something haunted, creepy, and scary, Like ghosts, spirits, vampire, and ghouls, I mean, why write things so merry?”   “Now, listen here kid, You’re going to listen to me, I’ll only have peace once that poem’s rid, Otherwise, you may want to flee, For I might just chase you, With a stick from a good old tree!”   ~Saavanna Ayyap

Invisible Existence

 He doesn't really exist, But I know he's right there, He's that one precious gift, That'll be your hidden pair. He's the mightiest creator, And the reason for divinity, He can never be a traitor, He's a genie and grants wishes, infinity. He protects you without you knowing, He loves you without you caring, He holds you when you are crying. He carries your soul when you are dying. How can one not realize, how important he is in our lives? He is one you cannot criticize, For, he is our God, eternize. ¬Saavanna Satheesan