Meow! - Chapter 3

A path undiscovered
I (Lily) was shocked! A mere kitten that could not talk but write? That was cursed by a witch? I felt as if I was dreaming. I blinked my eyes, again and again, thinking that it was a dream. "Okay," I stammered. The kitten gave a long meow. But where was Giant Strongest castle? Does the kitten know where the castle is? " you know where the castle is?" I asked doubtfully. It took the paper back and wrote that it knew where it was and would take me when my parents got out of the house. I told the kitten that my parents doesn't always go out by themselves. Then me and the kitten sat there and thought for a long time until my mom called me to help her with some cupcakes she was making. She asked me whether I could help her with the dishes. Whilst I was helping with the dishes, she told me that she and dad had to go out on Thursday, that's the day after tomorrow, and would return at 10:30 pm, for they were invited to an adults only party. I could barely keep my mouth shut when I heard this exciting news! While mom and dad go out, me and the kitten could go to this so-called Giant Strongest Castle. I quickly finished with the dishes and went to the kitten to tell him the exciting news. As soon as I finished my statement, the kitten started jumping on my bed. My my, that kitten would have bagged the pet jumping contest which was held last year! It was wonderful as well as weird to see the pets jumping. I think a dog won the contest last year. The days flew by until Thursday arrived. The big day. Mom and dad wished me goodbye(they were leaving in the morning around 10) and sent the babysitter Freddie and told her to let me do whatever I want. I went to Freddie as soon as mom and dad left and said, "Freddie, do you probably think that I could have the whole day off and return for tea?" "Yes dear, you could take those chicken sandwiches with you and some orange juice," she said as she pointed to the table. So I took it and placed them neatly inside a small picnic basket and put the kitten inside with its head sticking out. I left my house and asked the kitten where was it that it wanted me to go. And it said, "Go towards that oak tree and behind it, you will see a hole. Just jump into it and we will reach our destination."  I went towards the oak tree, quite close to my house which was hidden by some houses. I turned around and saw a hole. I squeezed through the hole and fell down to a path leading to the west. The kitten then jumped out of the basket and told me to follow it. It took me across the strange path which was incredible. It had flowers floating in the air. It had flying tortoises which sang baby songs. At last, we came to a door covered with some stinky mud. Pooh! The smell was just awful. As we entered it, we were hit a stream of golden light. Such a gorgeous land stood before us.


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