Meow Chapter 4 - The Cursed Land

I was shocked at the sight of this land like I had a guess of how magical lands would look like but seriously I never even dreamt of seeing a sight like this! This land had the basics of a magical land (or even a normal land) like it had grass and pathways but the shocking thing was the sky. It had something like floating stars (it still morning there!) in a weird pattern across the sky instead of streetlamps … like what I mean is like during some festivals you know we tie up streamers across the walls and have those tiny LED bulbs on them. Now if you just imagine the sight but without those streamers, just those bulbs floating like stars... That too in the morning! In total, it just looks very weird! For the kitten it was normal.. (well, isn’t that obvious?) Then it directed me to a place called “Garden Honey.” It was a normal garden, but covered with 10-meter tall flowers and honey everywhere! Then after the garden, the kitty led me to a village full of little houses or huts. It was almost afternoon here, in this land. It led me to a hut near a well and gave a loud MEEOOW! The door opened and I saw two full-grown elves with two kids (also elves). This is getting stranger and stranger every second! It seems the elves knew the kitty. They told us to get inside. One of those elderly elves told us to sit on a bench made from oak wood whilst he sat on another one of the same kind. He then asked us what was the reason we came to him was especially with a new visitor (that’s me). The cat replied before I could in cat language and the elf seemed to understand. During their conservation, I disrupted them by asking the elf what his name was. He told me his name was Legun. I then asked him to introduce the rest of his family. He said his wife’s name was Laginy and his elder kid called Leony with his younger kid called Layiny. The kitten passed me a note saying, “Do not disturb me. I am asking Legun the map to Giant Strongest Castle because I used to live in this village which is opposite the town in which he lived. Legun knew a lot more than me in everything including in the case we are facing now. So do not disturb! Speak only if you have any questions or better ideas. Got it? Now ssshh!”. I quietly nodded at the kitten and stuffed the paper back into my pant pockets. The kitten continued talking to the elf and he replied back in a deep voice in English. I guess I seemed to understand what the kitten was talking about. The elf was saying that he can help us as he knows some secrets about Giant Strongest and he also knew his weaknesses. They talked for like about 4 minutes and then the elf turned to me (to talk). He told me that he was going to come with us. Then he took his backpack (which looked like it had all the essentials needed for traveling), bid his family goodbye and took the map from a box covered with grime. We all left the hut and started walking to the west. I then remembered I hadn’t even bothered to ask what the kitten's name was! I quickly asked the kitten and it told it to the elf who then told me that the kitten's name was ‘Merome’. I told the kitten, “ Nice name but I have to say we will have to go back home in just a few hours. So I think we ought to hurry up!” The kitten looked up at the elf who told me, “As soon as you enter this land, the land in which you originally came from will be frozen and time will be paused. So you need not worry.” So with a happy face, I continued walking.


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