Your Inner Powers (A simple story to make you understand that anyone can do wonders) PART 3

                                      CHAPTER 3
                                 A STRONG POWER
Suddenly, Mia felt or rather heard something within her. Something that forced her to feel angry at the bully. Something that she had never felt before. “Think about Joanne. Think of what she is feeling. Don’t you have to rescue her? After all, you’re her best friend. You have to help her. YOU HAVE THE POWERS IN YOU. Just believe in yourself”, it faded into her mind. She felt as if something was coursing through her body. She felt something she had never felt before. It was courage, anger, and bravery. Much to everyone’s surprise, she ran towards the bully and kicked him hard. He fell backward releasing Joanne. “Run Joanne!” Mia screamed. She grabbed Joanne’s hand and tried to push through the crowd. “Hmph, you think you are the hero? Well, guess what? YOU’RE WRONG!” the bully said as he pulled Mia back, pinning her to the ground. “YOU ARE JUST A WEAKLING, YOU HAVE NOTHING, INFACT YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT DEFEATING SOMEONE IS!” said the bully. Mia was struggling to get free. While she was doing so, she felt it again. The voice, that feeling felt like something. But what? “YOOU KNOW HOW TO DEFEAT MIA! YOU HAVE THE POWERS WITHIN YOU. USE THEM, YOUR INNER-POWERS” the voice said. Mia was feeling dreamy. She didn’t know what to do. All she could do was BELIEVE IN HERSELF and use her INNER-POWERS. All of a sudden, she lifted up the bully into the sky. He was levitating and couldn’t move. She moved her hand to the right. The bully too moved right in the sky. Mia snapped hand( though she did not know why) and the bully vanished. Everyone stared at her. Silence filled her ears. “I don’t have magic,” she told herself.


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