Your Inner Powers (A simple story to make you understand that anyone can do wonders) PART 4

                                                 CHAPTER 4
                                                    The truth
Everyone started cheering for her. They started clapping. They asked her many questions. Then she demanded everyone to stop. She said, “I know everyone thinks I have some sort of magic powers. But let me tell you something, it is not magic. I was a shy girl. I did not have even a bit of courage. But today, a voice inside me said that even though I was shy, there was something I could use to defeat the bully. MY INNER-POWERS. When you believe in yourself, you can do wonders. That’s how I was able to defeat the bully”. Everyone applauded once again. She felt happy. Suddenly a hand touched her. When she turned back, she saw Joanne. Joanne said that she wanted to thank her. She said that she couldn’t take the bus as she felt a bit uneasy in her stomach and hence walked to the school. But when she did the big bully started torturing her until Mia came. Mia said, “Well, that’s what friends are for!” And the school bell rang bringing everyone back to their classrooms.
What a great time they had! Those three friends are the greatest friends I know. Don’t you think?

                                                    THE END


  1. It is quite a simple and inspiring story. I quite like it!


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