A Rumored House ~ Yours truly


A Rumored House
~Saavanna Satheesan

‘Beneath the red moon, the house stood tall,

In solitude, in ruins, weathered and worn.

As noontide faded, dusk began to fall,

And from its depths, a spirit was born.’


I wanted to visit the rumored place

So that’s what I planned for that day

I packed my bag and was on my way

And walked into the woods, a big black space


I reached the house, my head in daze

Not a soul alive, not a cry in pain

So I entered the house all so brave

But never did I know that was bane


Just when I thought, ‘This house was okay

Something moved down the hallway

And when I tried to run away

A vase tipped over, right my way


A shiver cascaded down my spine

A chilling touch, a spirit’s sign

A whisper blew into my ear

‘Come to me, I am near’


I turned around, fearing death

But then I felt a soft spoken breath

There stood she, draped in white

Hair down, head upright



She came towards me and held me tight

To this day, I can’t recall that night

Now within these walls, with her I abide

Whispers of ghosts, longing for your side.



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